About Us

Joshua Copeland

Joshua Copeland


Katrina Copeland

Katrina Copeland


Executive Team

Joshua and Katrina are the founders and chief executives of the daily operations of Remote Dev Force. They have strong working relationships with numerous professionals within the technical field to ensure project completion and satisfaction.

Joshua has 15 years of software programming experience and has held managerial roles in some of Las Vegas market’s largest tech companies. He enjoys contributing to the local tech community by hosting the PHP Vegas meetup and speaking at technical conferences. His newest project is the Profession Unknown podcast, which he hopes will inspire youth into careers they may not know about before. 

Katrina has a background in real estate sales and business management. She runs the accounting and operations of the company. She has a passion for design and enjoys learning about technical things along the way. 

Software Engineers from all over the US

Our expert team of Frontend, Backend, and DevOps Engineers are ready for any project thrown at them. They are senior level developers and have had extensive programming experiences in multiple disciplines. Contact us to secure availability with members of our team.

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